Friday, 17 July 2009

Here Goes.....

Ok, so I have decided to start this blog to document Joe's story so far and to carry on telling his story.
But first, a little bit about me... I am 28 and a first time mum. I found out I was pregnant after returning home from our holiday in California. We believe that Joe was conceived in Barstow (Near Las Vegas).

The pregancy was fine. Both the 12 and 20 week scans did not show any problems, and other than a cold, i did not feel too bad while pregnant. I was lucky in the respect that i did not really suffer from morning sickness, and the only cravings I had were for Stawberry milkshake and marzipan.

We decided to find out the sex of the baby at the 20 week scan, and tried our hardest to keep this a secret from my mum and dad, although I am pretty certain that they knew.

During all my appointments with my midwife, the words that have stuck in my head are "you have a very happy baby"

My due date was the 11th March, but Joe was 2 weeks late, so I had to be induced, even after having two membrane sweeps. I had planned to have a water birth, but this went out the window because of being induced, and I ended up having the works in terms of pain relief (I was convinced that Joe was trying to come out of my bum :).... I remember the midwife saying that Joe was Back to Back which is why the pain was where it was. I enjoyed the birth (thanks to the epidural). Joe was born at 16:47 on the 25th March weighing 6lb 15 1/2 oz.
Phil was amazing at the birth... could not have asked for anything more from him!

1 comment:

  1. Great to read and an inspiration to all, i often wonder how we manage sometimes but i guess we have to.

    Hope Joe continues to improve

    Steve (charlie'sDad h/l)
